BLWM Sp. z.o.o.

ul. Kożuchowska 20c

65-364 Zielona Góra



Phone: +48 68 320 07 06


Copyright 2020 - 2023 | Created by BLWM

  1. pl
  2. en
In cooperation with specialized service companies BLWM resolves technical problems in boreholes and delivers downhole data during workover and intervention procedures:



  • Logging during well maintenance and rehabilitation treatments
  • Logging during well recompletions
  • Sampling of liquids and solids
  • Logging in inclined and horizontal sections
  • Sealing leaks within casings and liners
  • Locating and fishing objects left or lost in boreholes
  • Analysis of causes and the scale of failures in wells
  • Assistance in restoration, prolongation or enhancement of well productivity

Special services



and technical support